The victim was shot repeatedly, and every shot hit her; Carolyn had absolutely no experience with guns - yet the victim's husband did.  The victim's husband repeatedly lied to the police about his whereabouts on the night of the crime, but Carolyn always told the truth since she had nothing to hide.  Even after repeatedly washing his hands, the victim’s husband was then tested for gun powder residue to see if he had fired a gun that night, and the results were “inconclusive”, meaning that it was certainly possible that he had.  No weapon was ever found, yet Carolyn was still convicted in this high-profile case.  There were no eye-witnesses to the crime, and Carolyn was never seen at or near the apartment that afternoon or evening where the crime took place.  In fact, Carolyn voluntarily agreed to take polygraph exams (lie detector tests), and she passed all four of them, confirming that she had nothing to do with the crime whatsoever.  Yet, this trial led to her conviction.  Since that day, Carolyn Warmus has been incarcerated in Bedford Hills Correctional Facility, in Westchester County, New York.

You can be an integral part of seeking justice for Carolyn by making a contribution to The Justice Fund for Carolyn Warmus.

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Carolyn's ideas about gratitude inspired this uplifting project.  Click HERE to see more.
"Justice will come about only if the true facts of the case come to light."

Carolyn Warmus is the official website dedicated to Carolyn Warmus, who was wrongfully convicted of a crime she did not commit. Yet, with your help, the truth can be brought to light. is dedicated to bringing public awareness and justice to Carolyn's wrongful conviction. This website contains information, documents, photos and interviews which illustrate 
that the tragic murder of one person led to yet another tragic event - the conviction and incarceration of an innocent woman.

On May 27th, 1992, Carolyn Warmus was wrongfully convicted of the murder of Ms. Betty Jeanne Solomon.

There was no direct evidence connecting Carolyn to the crime at all. Many people do not realize that it is possible to put someone in prison based solely on circumstantial evidence, but that is indeed 
what happened to Carolyn Warmus.

There was no forensic or scientific evidence connecting Carolyn to the crime. Unidentified fingerprints were found at the crime scene, yet they were not Carolyn's. The victim's dying 
declaration to the 911 emergency operator was, "He's trying to kill me!"