Wrongfully convicted, Carolyn Warmus continues with her life, firmly believing that justice will one day be achieved and that her release will be accomplished.

The life of an inmate is difficult: even more so when one is innocent. However, despite the daily humiliation and coarse treatment which inmates are often subjected to, Carolyn has tirelessly 
given of herself and wants to share the skills and many talents she possesses. During the years of her incarceration since 1992, she has also contributed greatly with positive involvement in many 
programs and activities at Bedford Hills Correctional Facility.  This partial list of her accomplishments is a testament to what she has already done.  

The overwhelming variety of Carolyn's achievements in prison since 1992 can only serve to illustrate her dedication to the art of education, to her spiritual development and involvement, and 
to her belief in and commitment to the values of decency and justice.

Here is a list of some of the programs in which Carolyn has been involved, and some of the activities in which she has participated:

*Has been an active member of the facility's Honor Program for most of her incarceration.

*Selected by the administration to be a founding Core member of the facility's Rehabilitation Through the Arts (RTA) program.  RTA uses theater and other creative arts such as music, dance, improvisation, play-writing, creative writing, poetry, yoga, meditation, and visual arts to instill leadership qualities and cultivate an environment that is conducive to enhancing self-esteem and building community.

*Proposed, designed, and implemented a new "Peer-to-Peer" program for the prison, designed to have long-term inmates offer support, guidance, and a friendly face to newly arriving women facing a long sentence, in hopes of helping  them complete their time in a positive and productive manner.

*Former president and current Core member of the facility's "Long Termers' Committee” - a group composed of women serving long-term sentences, who meet to offer support and encouragement to one another, as well as to share thoughts and ideas.

*Former president and member of the Facility's National Organization for Women (NOW) Chapter.

*Voted one of the facility's Inmate Liaison Committee representatives, helping to bring inmates' ideas and suggestions to the administration.

*Voted one of the facility’s Inmate Grievance Resolution Committee representatives, helping inmates and staff to resolve their complaints and problems. 

*Facility print shop worker

*Volunteer facility college tutor

*Volunteer facility bi-lingual tutor

*Facility arts and crafts instructor

*Facility law library assistant/paralegal

*Facility library clerk

*Facility Chaplain's clerk

*Facility nursery caregiver for infants

*Inmate program assistant and clerk for the facility’s Alcohol and Substance Abuse Treatment (ASAT) program.

*"Hats for the Homeless" collection organizer

*"Caps for Kids" collection organizer

*Knitted and crocheted wool scarves and helmet liners for U.S. military troops in Afghanistan and Iraq

* Successfully completed the intensive "Academic and Vocational Inmate Program Aide Training" Programs

*Completed the "Basic Legal Research and Writing and Law Library Management" course.

*Instructor for the "Basic Legal Research and Writing and Law Library Management" courses.

*Completed the "AIDS Counseling and Education (ACE) Training" course

*Completed the "Foster Care/Child Custody" workshops

*Completed, with distinction, the "Civil Rights Overview" course offered through Hunter College (City University of New York) 

*Successfully finished two Introductory Sign Language courses in order to be able to offer assistance to deaf inmates

*Completed NY State training as an Orientation and Mobility Guide to assist the visually impaired/visually handicapped, and volunteers to assist blind inmates.

*Created and runs the facility KARE organization, which sells a variety of foods to the entire inmate population; the proceeds are donated back to the prison.

*Continues to work as a tutor to help others earn their General Equivalency Diploma (G.E.D.)

*Completed the State & Federal Career Development "Hustling Legit" program to learn entrepreneurial business skills in order to succeed in a new career upon release from prison.  Carolyn chose to emphasize positivity, gratitude, and giving back to the community.  Carolyn's ideas about gratitude inspired the uplifting project to the right.
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