Dear Friend:

Thank you for coming to  I hope you will read through these pages and learn more about my case.

This website shows the truth and the facts that the media never wanted to publicize. It is all accurate - unlike other media stories about the case.

The case against me was entirely circumstantial, and there are no facts and no direct evidence linking me to the crime.

I am hoping you will try to help me seek truth and justice. Anyone who knows me knows that I am not capable of committing that horrible crime. But if you don't know me and if you have any questions or doubts, that is precisely 
why my friends and family are trying to raise funds to do DNA and forensic tests to prove my innocence. It's as simple as that.

Only guilty people should be incarcerated - not innocent people, like myself, who are wrongfully convicted. For that reason alone, I am hoping you will support me in search of the truth via new forensic testing and new investigating.

This is an issue of justice.  In today’s day and age when forensic tests can now actually prove guilt or innocence, that should be pursued to insure that only the guilty are convicted and that the innocent are set free. And since many of you believe I did not get a fair trial, then that is also reason to try to help me get these new tests done. Either way, an injustice was committed in my case.

Of course, nothing that I merely say to you can "prove" my innocence - but new forensic and ballistic tests can!  DNA tests could also prove who the real killer is, too!  Only through your support and contributions to The Justice Fund for Carolyn Warmus can my innocence be proven.

At the end of this personal greeting from me, please read the interview of me and watch my recent TV interview, as well.  Hopefully this website will provide you with additional information about my case that you may not have previously been aware of.

There is a lot of important information here in this website that is available to you nowhere else, like, for example, the actual text of the polygraph test I took in the office of Mr. Arther. You'll be able to read his report, his evaluation, and the actual questions along with my responses.
You'll be able to understand why so many who have looked at all the evidence know that I am innocent, and I believe that you will agree with them.
Please take some time to read through this site, to learn the truth about the case, to learn about the people who are standing by me so faithfully, and to learn more about me. Tell your family and friends to visit these pages, and please come back for any updates.

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